Monterey Baptist Church
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Meaningful Membership Matters

4. Registered Sex Offender Policy


 The Monterey Baptist Church affirms the need of all men to come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to be a religious community open to those who are in need of worshiping with us, especially in times of serious personal troubles. However, based on your background, we have concerns about your contact with children, vulnerable adults and youth in our congregation. We are called as a church to be a shepherd of souls, but we are also called to protect the flock. In recognition of the fact that sins against children are especially heinous and vile and incur a greater judgment (see Luke 17:2), the following guidelines are designed to reduce the risk to both you, our children, vulnerable adults and our youth of an incident or accusation. We welcome you to our congregation, but your participation will be limited to ensure the safety of our children, vulnerable adults and youth and to assure that you will not be subject to future accusations.

The church is a place of hospitality, we embrace the Gospel’s mandate to protect, “the least of these” particularly children, vulnerable adults and teens. Each sex offender will be dealt with on an individual basis. 

In consultation with the Pastor, the Deacon Body will be responsible for the following duties.

 Determining if and when the congregation will be informed of a known sex offender in the congregation.

 The Deacon Body will initiate, implement and supervise the Covenant Agreement for Registered Sex Offenders.

 When new members join the church, they will be told about this policy and covenant. 

 Safe guards will be set up for the congregation’s safety.

 The Deacon Body may seek recommendations outside the church body from professional council as deemed necessary. 


Church grounds should be monitored and patrolled by at least two members who are in good standing. These will include the following, parking lot, hallways, restrooms, classrooms, fellowship hall, youth buildings, young couples Sunday school building and doors will be locked during Children’s Church.

·       All employees and volunteers will have background checks (Addendum 1). These will include the following; pastor, associate pastor, music minister, Sunday school teachers and any volunteers who work with children for any reason.  Additionally, all employees and volunteers who work with minors are required to attend Sex Abuse Awareness Training as provided by the church.

·       All children activities need to be calendared so that appropriate security can be provided.

·       All incidents need to be reported and actions taken to be put on file.

·       All children need to be properly supervised whenever they leave the classroom or activity for any reason.

·        All children need to be picked up by their parent/guardian or someone that has been properly designated by the parent/guardian.

·        Registered sex offender lists are to be periodically checked for any offenders in the surrounding counties and communities.

The Deacon Body will examine each sex offender upon their record and their actions, also consulting with the law enforcement of our area and surrounding areas to see what level the sex offender is listed. This will enable the Deacon Body to decide what level of risk he or she would be and determine if the person can be allowed to participate in any way with the Monterey Baptist Church, he or she will have to sign and follow the guidelines (Addendum 2) set up by the church.